Business Opportunities

These are a selection of current technology requests from our clients. If you have a solution to any please contact us so we can discuss the details with you.

Cleaning solutions to remove elastomeric silicone deposits (CLOSED)

We are seeking quick and minimally invasive cleaning solutions (e.g. solvents) to remove a silicone emulsion that coalesces to form an elastomeric silicone deposit following elevated temperatures, adhering to surfaces of a manufacturing system (e.g. tanks and pipes).

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Reducing manufacturing complexity of dry food products (CLOSED)

We are exploring approaches to increase the efficiency in the current extrusion manufacturing of a shelf-stable dry food product - e.g. expertise or solutions for late stage differentiation (colour, shape, size, flavour, variety), batch to continuous processing and reducing downtime for cleaning.

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Manufacturing Partner for aluminium bottles & caps (CLOSED)

We are seeking established manufacturers of aluminium bottles (and caps if applicable) for a range of functional shot-sized beverages, capable of manufacturing scale-up and global expansion into key markets

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New manufacturing techniques for shelf stable dry food (CLOSED)

We are seeking innovative technologies to produce shelf stable (>12 months) dry food products, e.g. to allow the increased use of plant-based and fresh/raw ingredients with improved nutritional quality or use of new product formats, shapes, colours, etc.

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Food and beverage ingredient companies supplying globally (CLOSED)

We are searching for established manufacturers and suppliers of functional food and beverage ingredients and additives across several categories including caffeine, herbal and botanical extracts, amino acids, vitamin premixes and minerals, able to ship globally (e.g. USA, Taiwan and Australia).

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Distribution partner for plant-based egg products (CLOSED)

We are searching for UK distributors for a range of plant-based egg products. Our client's versatile and innovative range of products (including omelettes, shreds, tamago and patties) are highly nutritious (e.g. high protein), sustainable and can be used in restaurant and food service applications.

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Are you passionate about innovation and new technology?
Do you work in innovation, R&D or NPD?
Do you need to identify new opportunities for your company’s technology or expertise?
Do you work in a University or Research Organisation?
Are you looking for partners for start-ups and inventors?

Then Join the Strategic Allies Ltd Network to learn of new business opportunities from our corporate clients who are actively searching for the technology/expertise you have or have access to.

SAL Network Partners include innovation professionals from MNCs, Universities, VCs, accelerators, incubators, patent agents, government funded networks, business support consultants, licensing professionals, accountants….

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Please check out the Collaboration opportunities above and get in touch if you have relevant technology/services for an opportunity.

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