Business Opportunities

These are a selection of current technology requests from our clients. If you have a solution to any please contact us so we can discuss the details with you.

Consumer products to protect/enhance/measure immunity (CLOSED)

We are seeking innovative companies developing products focussed upon protecting, enhancing and measuring the immunity of consumers.

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Next generation identification & recognition technologies (CLOSED)

We are seeking next generation identification technologies to ‘recognise’ genuine consumable and react specifically

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Hair-derived health knowledge (CLOSED)

We are seeking technologies, products and services to allow the consumer to measure, track and most importantly, understand their underlying health.

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Taste masking and bioavailability (CLOSED)

We are searching for innovative technologies / ingredients / processes to mask the bitter, strong or unpleasant taste of compounds used in buccal and ingestible product formats, and improve the bioavailability of some poorly absorbed ingredients.

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Next generation automotive coating technologies (CLOSED)

We are seeking innovative materials, coatings and processes to enable fully functionalised, active surfaces on a vehicle. These coatings are to assist the owner of the vehicle, to save cost and time for the manufacturer, or contribute to the health of the user or wider environment. This could include solutions to protect, encase, decorate, monitor and/or functionalise the structure or external surface of a vehicle.

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AI in consumer electronic devices (CLOSED)

We wish to understand, review and implement new technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), into our client's future consumer electronic products.

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Are you passionate about innovation and new technology?
Do you work in innovation, R&D or NPD?
Do you need to identify new opportunities for your company’s technology or expertise?
Do you work in a University or Research Organisation?
Are you looking for partners for start-ups and inventors?

Then Join the Strategic Allies Ltd Network to learn of new business opportunities from our corporate clients who are actively searching for the technology/expertise you have or have access to.

SAL Network Partners include innovation professionals from MNCs, Universities, VCs, accelerators, incubators, patent agents, government funded networks, business support consultants, licensing professionals, accountants….

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Please check out the Collaboration opportunities above and get in touch if you have relevant technology/services for an opportunity.

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