First plant-based protein fried egg is seeking manufacturing and distribution partners

Strategic Allies Ltd is working with Singaporean based Float Foods to assist in its current fund raising efforts but more importantly is seeking manufacture and distribution partners in Europe and the USA for the first plant based protein fried egg.
The story has its origins in the wake of Covid-19 and its disruption to food supply chains across the world, exposing fragilities in our global food security.
It was in the thick of Singapore’s nationwide “circuit breaker” lockdown when Vinita Choolani, CEO of Float Foods, experienced first-hand the detrimental effects Covid-19 had on Singapore’s food supply chain, with eggs flying off supermarket shelves amid bouts of panic buying, as well as rising food safety concerns around the world and close to home. In the UK too farmers had to dump millions of pints of milk down the drain due to logistics fragility. “In Singapore, we have thrown away over 250,000 eggs because of oversupply. That, coupled with the rising concerns of animal disease transmission such as Covid-19 and the avian flu, which has proved to be much deadlier than coronavirus and prone to more frequent outbreaks, as well as the harmful effects of hormone injections administered to chickens to boost egg production, the case for a viable stand-alone plant-based alternative to the table egg has never been more compelling than now.”
Comprising legumes-based substitutes for both egg yolk and egg white as two distinct components and which can be prepared and assembled in minutes into multiple styles of egg including sunny side-up, over easy or soft boiled, OnlyEg is the first of its kind to achieve this level of likeness to a real chicken egg. Indeed not only tasting delicious on their own but a renown chef in Asia has recently used OnlyEg yolks to make pasta that was judged second to none!
The closest alternatives to OnlyEg in the market today are currently liquid blends of egg substitutes that are limited to making scrambled eggs and omelet’s.
OnlyEg will also be able to offer versatility, functionality and nutritional value that matches that of a whole chicken egg, while mitigating the potential for animal-to-human disease transmission, hormones or antibiotics residue and supply chain disruption, reducing our carbon footprint and land use while adding to food diversity. Developed with proprietary technology created by Float Foods’ in-house research and development team the impetus for the breakthrough was founded on a key vision to contribute to a plant-based food ecosystem that caters to the Asian diet – in this case with the ability to reproduce the different styles of eggs that are commonly found in Asian cuisine.
Float Foods has also completed proof-of-concepts for other alternative protein products including plant-based yoghurt, cheese, egg patties and shreds, made using separate technologies. The latter egg-substitute products will be made commercially available in 2021. The start-up is currently raising capital through seed round as it gears OnlyEg for commercial readiness.
Please contact John ( to explore different commercialisation opportunities in the area of manufacture and distribution for OnlyEg in Europe and the USA.